women wire bracelets -Birth Sign Zodiac Bracelet

Zodiac Sign Cancer Gemini Taurus Aries Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo

Get Some Help From The Stars

💗 Good Fortune 💗

💗 Courage 💗

Galaxy Zodiac BraceletAre you feeling lucky, powerful, and strong, or can you use astrological help?

If so, these Galaxy Zodiac Bracelets are a daily must-have for you!

♒ ♓ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑

Celebrate your birth month with a unique bracelet with colorful glass crystals and Zodiac signs.

Pick One For Your Horoscope Sign 

Galaxy Zodiac Bracelet

Powerful and symbolic, each Zodiac represents the unique characteristics of our existence. These significant zodiac sign bracelets symbolize each sign's strengthsspecific traitsdesires, and attitude toward life and people. Adorn yourself with your character to connect to your astrological being while bringing out the power that lies within.

Have Pride

Galaxy Zodiac Bracelet

Zodiac jewelry is all about being confident in your persona, proud of your character, and aware of your spirit. It is designed to remind us of ourselves, our thoughts, and our aspirations.

 Personal Piece of Jewellery

Since the 12 zodiacs are associated with good luck, power, and strength, we believe you should treat yourself or your loved one with jewelry specific to your birth sign!

Product Details:
Clasp Type:
Material: Leather
Bracelet length: 6.3inch + 1.6 inches
Glass diameter: 0.55 inches
